Glad you took a minute
to take a look at my little project. A professional photographer
told me this is called a "signature". Jumping is my signature,
and I've done it in many places long before I realized it was my
signature and it became a conscious project. I usually get someone
I'm traveling with to take my picture while I jump. As you can see,
I've been very lucky to travel with such skilled people.
you a jumper too? Send me your pictures, URL or comments to the
Guestbook is currently closed for signing, due to a severe spam problem.
New feature! I've added the jumping world tour to
the Kaja travel world map. This means all the jumps will be placed
on the world map, showing graphically where I've jumped, and revealing
an embarrassing lack of travels to Asia (with the exception of Efesus)
on the map!
Shipka, Bulgaria |
March, 2010 |
This is the one of many
monuments representing Bulgarian gratitude to the Russians - who
helped them break free from the Turks. It's a beautiful place,
and if you go there you have to visit the flying saucer the communists
built on a mountaintop nearby, celebrating the birth of the Bulgarian
communist party, and proving once and for all that communism is
in fact an alien invention, and therefore useless when it comes
to motivating humans to do good things. Sad, but true, and now
proven beyond doubt. |

Vasili cathedral, Moscow |
October, 2008 |
Police state! I've been
jumping around the world quite a lot, but this is the first time
the police felt me jumping and having a picture taken as a threat
to the state, public safety or whatever. Two pictures taken and
this angry little man with the typical big hat comes running,
waving his finger. He scared my two friends quite a bit - as they
know more about Russia than me. But we came back later and took
this picture anyway. Kudos to Andreas for doing it anyway.

Is this a crime?
Following Fast Search
and Transfer all around the world to their conference in San Diego
in february was a quite good idea. Sunny!
My first trip to the west coast in many years had to be celebrated
by jumping over the city.
Svein-Thore did a great job with the camera.

Sky high... |
Costa Brava, Tossa del
mar |
february, 2007 |
Costa Brava, north of
Barcelona, is a really beautiful rugged coast line. Renting a
car and stopping in Tossa del Mar was a really good idea. The
coast is filled with small villages wherever it's not too steep
to get to the water, but it's by no means crowded in february.
This small city has roots back to the roman period, and the spectacular
fortification, Vila Vella, dates back to the 12. th century. The
forified hill is very beautiful.
Tanja took the picture.

12 th. century fortification, city and beach below. Me above. |
La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona |
february, 2007 |
I first saw la Sagrada
Familia in 1993, and for each of my three visits since then I've
seen great progress in the construction. That makes me really
happy, and I hope I get to see it finished before I go. There
is no guarantee that I will, because construction has been going
on since 1883, and from what I've seen of the drawings, it's only
half finished.
They seem to have picked up speed though, and the changes to
the interior since 1993 is amazing. Back then the whole building
was mainly two facades and a crypt. The main 170m high tower is
still far off though. Thanks to the café La Sagrada Familia
and Tanja for helping me get this jump right. |

Antonio Gaudi made the plans, but was far from seeing this amazing
building finished, dying in 1926. |
As close as I'll ever
get to Hollywood |
february, 2007 |
This is not my best jump,
but it is one of the hardest earned (save for mt. Kili.).
I was running late, the LA traffic was slow, and I didn't really
know where the bloody sign was. I ended up in some park, got directions
up to some crater, ran the whole way, tasting blood, stumbeled
up a very steep hill on pure adrenaline... and nearly cried when
I discovered I was the only one there... there was no alternaive
to using the self timer... that is not an easy task when you want
to catch yourself in mid air... this is the only half decent shot.
Should have gotten closer to the sign, but I'm still proud of
Nearly killed myself on the way down, loose rocks falling everywhere.
Two girls helped me with two more shots and I was off to the airport,
and a six hours delay... thanks KLM :-)
As close as I'll ever get to Hollywood
My knee over Hollywood |
Jumping Communism |
September, 2005 |
This is the old communist
headquarter in Sofia, Bulgaria. New rulers have moved in, but
the architechture from the Communist era remains.... it begged
for a jump.

The Eternal City |
february, 2006 |
Finally we got to visit
Rome, and among all the great sites in this wonderfull city, it
had to be The Colosseum.
The almost 2000 year old building is 48 metres high, but part
of the outer wall has been looted for building materials, not
by invaders but by Romans themselves. Most of the marble and steel
is gone along with tons of brick.
When in Rome, make sure to visit Trastevere, the Capuchini munks
(who decoratet a tomb with the bones of 4.000 of their brothers),
and the marvelous Sistine Chapel, decorated by Michelangelo.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do, and watch out for crasy tiny
cars and swarms of scooters comming at you like killer bees! |
There was no other way,
comming out of the church, we had to jump. All the photographers
demanded it (Per Kristian shot this one).
So I jumped, and my beautiful Bulgarian princess floated up in
the air after me.
Thanks to everyone who helped make the wedding on the island
Langøy a fantastic day, and night!
Have a look at my wife's homepage, at

Floating princess, jumping proud man...
Sphinx and pyramids, Egypt |
January, 2005 |
Just came back from our
honeymoon in Egypt. Snorkeling in january and then going home
to go snowboarding is nice! We were very impressed with a lot
of things in this country, and it was very hard to decide whether
to jump over the Sphinx or one of the pyramids... as you can see,
I ended up not choosing. Tanja timed this very well!
Karnak and the Valley of Kings was also very impressive, but
not quite as good for jumpimg. |
Eiffel Tower, Paris |
July, 2002 |
I know some old Parisians
pride themselves with never having been to the Eiffel Tower. Their
I do envy them that one restaurant we ate at in Marais though.
Lovely city! |

300 meters.. I barely made it!
Teotiuacan, Mexico, DF |
March, 2004 |
Long before the Aztecs came,
the people of Teotiuacan built these pyramids north of where Mexico
City lies today: It was a natural choice for a place to jump, so
it didn't take too much convincing before Ingunn agreed to go there
for the fifth time and take this photo. Perfect timing. |
Stockholm is a very beautiful
city, but it's kind of hard to find the one place that would be
the natural place to jump. I don't much like the royal castle
and the Vasa-ship is indoors... if anyone has a suggestion, please
feel free to drop me a line :-) I'll be back!
I ended up jumping over parts of the city and the thing that
really makes Stockholm beautiful, the water. There's water everywhere.

The water was rather cold... |
Sofia, Bulgaria |
August, 2004 |
The sky over Sofia is always
blue.... I think. Perfect jumping conditions, except it was too
hot (38 degrees or so) and we were going to a wedding, so too many
tries would have resulted in me arriving driving wet with sweat.
Tanja got it right in the second try, luckily. St. Alexander Nevski
Cathedral is a beautiful building in the heart of the city, but
I much prefer the backside to the rather plain front :-) |
Wedding-jump! Oslo |
January, 2005 |
What a day! Celebrating
with a jump over Carl Johan, Oslos main street, was the natural
thing to do, really!
Gudbrand took this picture, pretty impessive, considering his
camera takes two seconds to fire a shot. |
Almost sky diving |
july, 2005 |
What the ....? Was my
first reaction, when I realised my bachelor party was headed for
an airfield where I was supposed to jump, out of an airoplane.
I should have seen it comming, considering my habit of jumping...
Having been waken up at 7.00 I was sleepy, confused and scared
shitless, then after a minute or two I'd accepted my fate and
had to admit this was the natural unnatural thing to do.
Turns out though, sky divers don't particularly like having raindrops
hit them at some 200 km/h, so bad weather resulted in a delay.
We had little time to wait, so it will have to be resceduled for
some later weekend.
In case anyone noticed, yes, I got married in january but this
time it's in a church and we've planned a big party, not a small
group like in january. |

This was as close as I got to jumping from an aeroplane... to be
continued... |
Geirangerfjorden, Norway |
June, 2004 |
What a mighty fjord! Not
at all an easy place to jump, but Barbara timed this photo well,
and I avoided falling further than planned. |

... and I'm free... free falling... ( Tom Petty - for those unenlightened
Efesus, Greek Theatre
in Turkey |
July, 2002 |
Our guide was a bit sad the
greeks were all gone, though I doubt he knew them personally, as
this town had it's day around the time JC walked the earth, and
is said to have been the last residence of his mother, Maria. A
rip-off-taxi driver took us to her official last-recidence-chapel,
a few kilometers away. Anyway, flying over the theatre while contemplating
philosophy and having my picture taken at the same time seemed like
the natural thing to do. Ingunn did a brilliant job with the camera.

... everything is water!
...Life, the universe and everything.. |
Mount Kilimanjaro |
June, 2001 |
Kilimanjaro, I'm jumping
over Kibo the highest peak of the mountain (5895 m.). The picture
is taken on the way down, at an altitude of 3700 meters. My traveling
and climbing companion Andreas did an excellent job shooting it,
and Eli made the Logo based on it. Thanks a lot, both of you! |

Big Ben,
March, 2003 |
It took about 100 visits
to London before I finally got around to taking this photo. Annelene
took the picture. She's posted some rally nice photos at
Picnic in Saint James Park and a short flight over Big Ben a
lovely day in March is highly recommendable.

Never jump with an empty stomach
New York, New
York |
March, 2003 |
Ok, it had to be Manhattan
Skyline. A Dutch girl took the picture. My levitation skills were
suffering a bit from jet lag, and the picture is not quite i focus,
but... IT'S NEW YORK!
I spent the unofficial part of my stay in a hotel room where
all surfaces were covered with weird figures... not a place to
have a hangover! I spent my evenings in a bar full of really nice
Albanians anyway...

... bam, bam, bam-bam-bam... bam, bam, bam-bam-bam.... bam, bam,
bam-bam-bam: BAM....... Start spreading the news.... |
Corte Inglés,
Barcelona |
November, 2002 |
This is an insult! Barcelona
is one of the worlds most beautiful cities, home of famous architects
like Gaudí and his endless project La Sagrada familia,
and some of the most stylish contemporary architecture. Still,
it didn't feel wrong to choose to jump over El Corte Inglés
on Plaza Catalunya, the biggest shopping mall in the city center.
We probably should have taken this picture that night we somehow
ended up in the top of the towers of La Sagrada Familia around
midnight, each with a bottle of champagne in our hands, but I
guess we concentrated on the champagne.

Audun took this picture, at the end of a week of hanging out in
small bars and generally doing nothing that can be fit into a sentence
like "then went to see..." |
Boston State
House |
March, 2002 |
I figured the right
to jump in Boston was over the golden dome of the State House.
Toby took this picture. I'll never forget the lobster she treated
me to at a Japanese/Korean restaurant. She and her family seemed
to be regarded as family by the owners, and were treated as such.
2002 |

(yes, the stones were hard, and it hurt, a lot) |
Haga Sofia,
Istanbul |
July, 2002 |
Drawing the curtains aside
the first morning, we saw the Blue Mosque right in front of us.
Walking a block down the street we faced Haga Sofia, the old church
at the center of Constantinople, the heart of the East Roman Empire,
from where Emperor Julian sent his forces out to reconqure the empire.
The greatest church in the world (until Peters Church was built
in Rome, some 1000 years later) , it was turned into a mosque when
the Ottomans entered the city in 1453. In 1935 Kemal Attatürk
turned it into a museum, and the old fantastic mosaic was uncovered
again (muslims don't allow pictures representing deities, so they
covered them up, but didn't destroy them). Its an absolutely fabulous
building! |

If you go to Istanbul, Haga Sofia is a must! As is the Topkapi
palace, meeting a lot of friendly people and being ripped off
by taxi drivers.
Brandenburger Tor,
Berlin |
February, 2003 |
Get that song out of my head!
No, stop it! Now! Can someone help me stop that Norwegian Eurovision
song contest contribution from playing in my head? Apparently not!
"Her står vi på Brandenburger Tor.. hånd
i hånd..." (Here we are at Brandenburger Tor, hand in
hand....). It's a very friendly and pathetic post 1989-tune that,
not surprisingly, performed horribly in the final. Anyway, I had
surprisingly much trouble getting anyone half english speaking to
understand how to focus the camera before I jumped, to avoid the
delay... I have some 15 pictures of myself right after I hit the
ground. |

Her står vi på Brandenburge Tor, hånd i hånd
som om det var i går.... du og æ på ...
Ransverk, Jotunheimen |
1998 |
The morning after a wedding
in the Jotunheimen mountains we decided we had to raise a "Varde"
(a pile of stones basically) in honor of the married couple. We
wanted to add this stone to the Varde (hence the beam under it),
but the force of gravity (and minimal amounts of sleep) got the
better of us. So a jump was all that was left to do. Thanks Gaute,
for making the shot in the first and only try. |

Few people slept more than two hours; but we made it to the top;
some even above it
Jumping brothers, Ås |
June, 1996 |
I wanted to try to freeze
movement and the best time was a melting hot summer day in Ås,
my hometown. My brother and I jumped (myself slightly higher, to
compensate for his height) and my mother timed it perfectly in the
first try. The shutter speed was fixed to 1/2000 of a second, which
gives the effect of stopping all movement in a picture where the
situation tells you there has to be plenty of movement. |

Really Nice! The only problem
was the temperature, it was too hot, and the waiters, who couldn't
care less whether you might be allergic to their food, as long as
you don't speak proper French. Personally I find Parisians, who
in France have a reputation for being arrogant, generally pleasant
people... I met nice people in Nice too, but the majority were foreigners. |

Morten de la Forest took this picture, from a beach outside Nice |
Equator, Uganda |
July, 2001 |
On our way to Entebbe in
Uganda, my good friend Ronald showed us the Equator. I didn't feel
very different passing it, but jumped back and forth a couple of
times, just in case I ever felt like claiming I've crossed the
line "loads of times". |

Olympiastadium München |
January, 1995 |
Olympiastadium, München.
Silje took this picture back in 1995. The stadium is made of glass
and steel, but is designed like a tent. Quite neat really. Two days
earlier my friend Tobias asked if I wanted to come visit him, Gudbrand
and Harald in München. I called Silje and she got us the best
ticket deals. About 32 hours later we where drinking weiss bier
and eating sweinsaxe (a really enormous piece of meat, a pigs leg)
and kartoffelknödern (a ridiculous small rubberlike potato-something)
with our good friends. |

Salamanca, Spain |
April, 1997 |
Notice the guy down to the
left looking at me (the weirdo) jump on the main square in Salamanca.
I'd come down from London to visit Ingunn. |

Cape Point, South Africa |
August, 2001 |
Cape Point, south of Cape
Town in South Africa, south of most of the world really. Having
traveled this far it was nice and a bit strange to meet Even (family
member) Gægga (Geir Martin, fellow son of Ås) and Bente
(a student in my home town) in Long Street. |

Narestø |
July, 1994 |
Heaven is a place on earth,
I've known this since birth and spent every summer there, on the
south coast of Norway, near Arendal |

Tikal, Guatemala |
January, 1997 |
In perfect ski-jumper position
right before I took off, flew (fell) 40 meters and died. Such a
shame the photographer shot it one second early. Well, not really.
I climbed down, shaking slightly. But then we climbed the highest
pyramid in this ancient ruin city of Tikal, Guatemala, rising above
the jungle roof, looking down at screaming monkeys and endless miles
of jungle, and up at circling birds of prey... wow, I'd recommend
it to anyone sane enough not to jump. |

Galdhøpiggen, Summer
(really!) |
August 2000 and August 2002 |
Galdhøpiggen, the
highest mountain in Norway, where Snowboarders go in the


I can see my house from
here....! |
November, 2003 |
The nice kick you get when
you're off the jump, you have not chickened out and slowed down,
you've just been scared shitless, but your balance is perfect and
you know you'll have a nice little flight before you land safely....
I'm lovin it, and I'm not talking about McDonalds either! (the picture
is taken in Trysil, - Norway's best ski resort... check out Hemsedal
too) |
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but please drop me a line
whether it's a picture you like, a place you've been to or a question like why?
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to see my shot at bullet time, the Neo-Jonas experience (4,4 MB)
Thanks a lot Atle, for brilliant professional work with both camera and
And now, some snowboarding: